AVR ATmega8 Bases Line Follower.
Easy to make PID LFR Robot.
Our line following robot board is a compact and easy to use board to make a LFR. It has a
All these make it a perfect solution to make a clean line following robot. It can be easily mounted on our High Quality Metal Chassis. The board can be easily interfaced with our Line Sensor Array. The board comes with step by step introduction to all software and hardware tools and how to use them.
We teach you all the basic of microcontroller and how to use various features of it. All tutorials comes with working C source code and detailed explaination to easily get you started.
The line follower is designed using a Microcontroller which is a small single chip computer that runs a small program stored in its flash memory. This program is developed in PC using tools like an IDE and a compiler, which is then transferred to MCU's flash using a programmer.
Line Following Robot Board. |
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