
Chassis Construction

AVR ATmega8 Bases Line Follower.

Easy to make PID LFR Robot.

The base of chassis is made up of a laser cut acrylic sheet which is 1/8 inches thick. We then add a motor clamps and caster holder to complete the chassis. The motor clamps holds the two drive motors while the caster holder is used to mount the front caster wheel.

acrylic sheet

Fig. 1 - A laser cut acrylic sheet, the actual colour is cool blue but has brown protective cover

Peel off the brown protective cover from both sides of the acrylic sheet.

peel off cover from acrylic

Fig. 2 - Peel off the protective covering

After peeling off, you can see the bright coloured acrylic sheet.

acrylic uncovered

Fig. 3 - Bright coloured acrylic

Start by mounting the motor clamps.

motor clamps

Fig. 4 - Holes for mounting motor clamp

place the motor clamps over screw holes.

align the motor clamp

Fig. 5 - Align the motor clamp over holes

Then fasten the screws

clamp mounted

Fig. 6 - Fasten the screws

clamp mounted

Fig. 7 - Clamp mounted


Similarly mount the other clamp.

clamps mounted

Fig. 8 - Both clamps mounted

After both the clamps have been mounted, its time to mount the front caster wheel holder.

holes for mounting the caster holder

Fig. 9 - Caster holder mounting holes

Place the caster holder in its position as shown below.

caster holder mounted

Fig. 10 - Caster holder mounting holes

And fix it using two screws. The chassis is now ready.

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