Tag Archives: cp2102

Digital Humidity Sensor

Digital Humidity sensors are of great help in maintaining suitable environmental condition in places such as ware houses, green houses, factories, smart homes etc. They are also very easy to interface with MCU and PC. When coupled with a PC or Microcontroller they can be used in wide variety of smart automation. One such sensor I will present today is a serial humidity sensor. The interface is very simple. The communication is done over a standard asynchronous serial line. The interface parameters are as follows. UART 9600 bps. Start bit: 1 Stop bit: 1 Parity Bit : 0 (No parity bit) No Flow Control. Fig.: Serial Humidity Sensor.   Command Set All commands are begin by "$sure" followed by space (ascii 32) All UART Command are in ASCII Commands are NOT case sensitive. All commands ends with a CR LF pair (ascii \r\n in C language). Get Current Temperature in Degree Centigrade Command : $sure temp -c Returns: XXXCentigrade Where XXX is current temperature. Example in C UWriteString("$sure temp -c\r\n"); Get Current Temperature in Degree Fahrenheit Command : $sure temp -f Returns: XXXFahrenheit Where XXX is current temperature. Example in C UWriteString("$sure temp -f\r\n"); Get Current Humidity Command : $sure humidity Returns: XXX%RH Where XXX is current relative humidity. Example in C UWriteString("$sure humidity\r\n"); Get Current Status Command : $sure […]

Using the USART of AVR Microcontrollers : Reading and Writing Data

Till now we have seen the basics of RS232 communication, the function of level converter and the internal USART of AVR micro. After understanding the USART of AVR we have also written a easy to use function to initialize the USART. That was the first step to use RS232. Now we will see how we can actually send/receive data via rs232. As this tutorial is intended for those who are never used USART we will keep the things simple so as to just concentrate on the "USART" part. Of course after you are comfortable with usart you can make it more usable my using interrupt driven mechanism rather than "polling" the usart. So lets get started! In this section we will make two functions :- USARTReadChar() : To read the data (char) from the USART buffer. USARTWriteChar(): To write a given data (char) to the USART. This two functions will demonstrate the use of USART in the most basic and simplest way. After that you can easily write functions that can write strings to USART. Reading From The USART : USARTReadChar() Function. This function will help you read data from the USART. For example if you use your PC to send data to your micro the data is automatically received by the USART of AVR and put in a buffer […]