Tag Archives: max232

Serial Communication with PIC16F877A

This article series aims at teaching serial communication between a PIC microcontroller and a PC. We first introduce you with what is serial communication is and how it can used. Then we tell you how to perform serial communication using PIC microcontroller and how we use the USART peripheral for the purpose. We will tell you how our usart library for PIC16F series can be used for easy serial communication, in this part we also discuss how to set up a MPLAB X project for using the USART library. After that we will build a demo project to explore the library. Finally we will burn this demo in a PIC16F877A and establish a serial communication with PC. Serial Communication Their are several serial communication standards like RS232, SPI, I2C etc. Of which RS232 is a asynchronous method. That means it does NOT have a synchronizing clock line. One way data requires only one conductor line. Since it is a two way communication their are two lines between the two device. One for sending data called the Tx and one for receiving data called the Rx. The communication is full duplex, that means data can be sent at the same time data is being received. generally other serial communication like SPI and I2C are used for short range communication like between […]