Tag Archives: ps2

PS2 Keyboard Interface with AVR MCU

A PC keyboard is an old and trusted human machine interface. Most peoples are familiar with it. When a text entry is required it is the best method. If we can interface the PC keyboard with an AVR MCU we can create a whole lot of interesting applications! This tutorial will focus on our easy to use PS2 keyboard library for AVR MCU. Fig. 1 – A PC Keyboard(PS2 Type).   The PS2 Keyboard Library for AVR The PS2 Keyboard library for AVR has only two functions one for initializing the library and one for reading a ASCII character from the queue. The keyboard library automatically translates the scan codes to ASCII characters and buffers them in a FIFO queue. That means even if the CPU is busy doing something else and a character arrives from the keyboard, it will be automatically buffered in a queue. After that the CPU can read the characters anytime when it is free. void InitPS2() Function to initialize the PS2 keyboard library. Internally it initialize the ps2 system and sets up the INT0 isr for handling PS data traffic. Arguments: NONE Return Value: NONE   char ReadFromKbdQ(uint8_t wait) Function to read a character from the keyboard buffer. The wait parameter can be 0 or non zero. When wait is non zero the the function […]