Sending and Receiving SMS using SIM300 GSM Module
If you want a live demo of this, please register from the link given below. (Only in Pune) REGISTER NOW! This project can also be implemented using a PIC18F4520 microcontroller. We have schematic and C library available. Hi friends in this part we will have a look at the functions related to text messages. By the end of this article you will have a clear idea of how to wait for a text message, read the message, send a new text message and deleted a received message. We have already discussed the basics of SIM300 GSM Module interface with AVR MCU in our previous tutorial you can refer that article to know about the schematic and basic communication code. GSM Module SIM300 Interface with AVR After reading the above article you will know how we have connected the SIM300, AVR ATmega32 and LCD Module to make a basic test rig. Also covered in the article is the detail about the communication method between SIM300 and AVR which is called asynchronous serial communication, done using AVR’s USART peripheral. The article shows you how to use the AVR USART library to send and receive data to/from the GSM Module. We have also discussed the command response method used for the interfacing with the module. Working code is provided that shows you how […]