Making A Thermometer with PIC16F877A
At basic level on microcontroller you can create this interesting project of digital thermometer. It teaches you how to acquire analog data from a sensor and display it on a lcd. We will use a popular MCU PIC16F877A to implement this mini project. The temperature will be read using a LM35 precision sensor. Final result will be shown on a 16×2 alphanumeric lcd module. Fig. PIC16F877A Based Thermometer with LCD Stuffs Required S. No. Item Image Cost 1 40 PIN PIC Development Board Rs. 769 2 16×2 LCD Board Rs. 296 3 Single PIN Burg Wires Female/Female 20 units Rs. 100 4 12V 1A DC Adapter Rs. 127 5 LM35 Rs. 60 Total Rs. 1,352 Connections The PIC16F877A development board has the PIC16F877A microcontroller chip and its supporting basic circuitry all in a nice high quality PCB. The development board comes fully assembled and tested, thus makes it ideal for doing experiments for learning by beginners. 40 PIN PIC Development Board In the bottom portion of the pic development board you can see a row of male headers. Most of these pins are the microcontrollers general purpose input/output lines and the rest are 5v and GND supply lines. Using these pins you can connect external peripherals (like the LCD board or something else) to do your experiment. […]