Bluetooth Control of Home Appliances

This article on DigitalWizard describes how you can easily make a system that can control your home appliances like lights, fans etc from your smart phone. The project is based on ATmega8 MCU which is a 28 pin high performance microcontroller from Atmel Corp. Communication between this system and the smartphone is over the Bluetooth network.

Please click here to read more.

Smartphone controlled home appliances

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Avinash Gupta is solely focused on free and high quality tutorial to make learning embedded system fun !

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6 thoughts on “Bluetooth Control of Home Appliances

  • By ajaybnl - Reply

    Hi Avinash. Great to see your site.

    Its Very Good.

    But i need to know where from you make these PCB ‘s ?

  • By soumen - Reply

    I am a vey old customer of extreme electronics but i am very sorry to say that i am unable to download the code,hex file from digital media,please help me

    • By Avinash - Reply


      Thank you for your comment. But to keep you account in healthy state you should get involved in the community like sharing projects that you made, liking post in facebook etc. Also you need to make all embedded/electronics related purchase from extreme electronics.

  • By Ojas - Reply

    Mr. avinash you have a great job thanks for helping young engineers for learning embedded c. I wont give you because it will insult your knowledge .
    thankyou for providing Bluetooth cntrl home appliance

    Sir but i dont get library for bluettoh from where to download it.

  • By Future of Home Security - Reply

    Hey Avinash,

    This is pretty cool technology. I would love to be able to do this in my home. I can just imagine turning the lights off in my kitchen from my bedroom.


  • By James Webster - Reply

    Hi Avinash
    Thank you for your bluetooth Tutorial.
    I have been trying for the last week or so to program an ESP32 to use blue tooth. That esp32 I found very hard, I did not have any success.
    I am used to AVR type and under stand how IT works.
    I could not get my head around it. May be I am to old.
    I started to learn about AVR approx 12 years ago off and on, I am now 78.
    Most of what I have learnt comes from your tutorials over the years.
    I bought a Blue tooth module yesterday. Thinking I could fix it to the esp32.
    Could not find any thing easy to follow on the Internet. Then It occurred to me that I should go back to avr’s. Still could find any thing that made sense.
    Then I remembered you. I though that you would have made a tutorial on this at some time. LO and behold there it was. Thank you very much for your effort in writing these.. I am now going to start back on avr’s till I understand how it works.
    You used to send me emails at one time about your tutorials I hope you still going.
    Warmest regards James Webster.
    P.S. I did not realise that you sold parts. I will keep in mind this in the future.
    James Webster.

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