PIC Development Board – Expansion of Board

The PIC Development board from eXtreme Electronics has the feature of connecting add-on boards, like user interface board or a motor controller board. You can also make your own expansion board. Actually the board has the ability to connect a prototyping area where you can create your project specific circuit while the "basic" environment for PIC resides on the Development board.

pic developmment board expansion port

Fig.: Replaceable Prototyping Area


In this way many project can be created and kept for future use. Each project resides in its own board when you need that simply pair it with development board and the project is up and running! No messy wiring!

Preparing a Veroboard for connection

Take a general purpose PCB (veroboard) and solder a 40 PIN right angled burg strip connector in one end.

Fig.: Replaceable Prototyping Area

Now the it is ready to plug into the Development Board.

Fig.: Replaceable Prototyping Area


After you connect your prototyping area to the Dev Board all PORTs of PIC MCU and Power Supply becomes available in the veroboard. Here you can connect all sort of components required by your project.

It is very easy to remove the prototyping are and replace it with a fresh new one for another project. Thus a single development board can be used for many different projects. The 40 PIN connection also provide a firm and stable mechanical joint between the two boards.

The PIC Development Board comes with a High Quality Expansion Board that can be used to customise the hardware.

PIC Expansion Board

Fig.: A blank expansion.

Example LCD Expansion Board.

More Details On making the LCD Expansion Board.

LCD Interface with PIC

Fig.: LCD Expansion Board.

Example USB Expansion Board.

USB Expansion Board

Fig.: USB Expansion Board.

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Avinash Gupta is solely focused on free and high quality tutorial to make learning embedded system fun !

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