Hi All,
We are planning to make our Software eXtreme Burner – AVR available in your local languages! So we need translators. Those who are interested in translating the app may leave a comment here, so that we can contact you latter.
How to translate?
Download the message catalog file (English). It has a pair of string values named msgid and msgstr. The msgid has the original English text. You have to translate it in your local language and enter in the field msgstr. For example see the images below. Finally you can send the completed message catalog to my email id given in the catalog file itself.
Completed Translations
- Ukrainian Translation by Mr. Pavlo Kasperskyi
- German Translation by Håkon
- Spanish Translation by Breogan
- Slovak Translation by Alex OM3TY
- Czech Translation by Martin Ondrák
- Bengali Translation by Muhammad Hasan-uz-zaman (Hasan)
- Portuguese Translation by Mauro Souza
- Waiting for others to finish rest languages !
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OK! I’ll be glad to contribute.
Which language you can do ?
I can translate in Nepalese. Will it be useful?
Why not! It will be usefull !
Ok! I will begin..
Only language or font to be in Nepalese?
What is the Script used for Nepali? I think fonts are NOT required. It must be supported in Unicode!
I can translate to Russian, where I can download sources or etc.
Hi! I would like to contribute! I can translate to Spanish if needed!
I would be happy to contribute!!
Which language you can contribute ?
Indian or foreign language..?? I know punjabi other than hindi and english…Let me know if I can help..??
We need both Indian and Foreign languages.
Do u know how to type Punjabi?
Yup…I know how to type punjabi….As far as I remember it needs some kind of font file to type in MS WORD…..So, how do I start translating..
I can help in translating to Bengali.
@Arup Thanks.
Hi All;
I am glad to translate them to Arabic.
I can do it in Bengali!
I can translate to Polish.
i can transulate in TAMIL
Good !
All translator may begin their work and do the translation in their free time !!! Hope to get the translations soon !
i can translate in thai for thailand
I am really very much interested to translate in Bengali .
@ Mr. Muhammad Monir Hossain,
Please do so, I would be really grateful !
All translator will be given credit in the About Box of Software !
All AVR Community will thank you.
i will be happy to translate to malayalam
I can translate to Russian.
I’ll be glad if you accept me as translator for Romanian language, but only from English.
And by the way….. nice work here….
I will be glad ! Thanks !
Able to translate to Slovak
Hello, I could help translate to Czech language.
Mujhe hindi mein translation likhne mein bahut khushi hogi.(I will be glad to translate it to hindi)
In return of it i would like to know how to write up IDEs.
I want to create a really economical(~3$) “Simpraduino”(my own name for ‘an Aurduino based on 8085’)
I can translate to tamil..
I can do it in TAMIL ( ????? )
i can do the translations in oriya and german.
please let me know if I could be of any help.
Sai ranjan Mohanty
@Sai Ranjan,
Please do the Oria version. German Already Done !
It will be done in 2 days I guess starting from today.
I translated to german
I translated to german. Where should I upload the file to?
Thanks a lot !!!
Send my to my e-mail avinash(at)extremeelectronics.co.in
Did you recive the file?
u need telugu??
I can help you with correct British (Oxford) English, as I’ve noticed that there are a few very minor imperfections in messages and reports…
We would be highly thankful !
I can translate perfectly into Romanian if you want.
I can translate it into bengali. i’m from Bangladesh
Is it translated into Spanish yet?
Hi! I can translate into Armenian, if you want
I can help u in Hindi
I can help u in Hindi if u want
hi i can help u for persian (Farsi) if u want.
Do you need a hungarian translator?
do you need portuguese from Brazil translator ?
I am here !
1) I will like to help in translation to Marathi.
2) I will also like to resell your products in Maharashtra.
3) You can call me on phone with more details.
Madhav Joshi
hi again i can translate to Persian (farsi) .
did u need to this language?
Great idea!
I’ll be glad to translate to Ukrainian!
Do you want a portuguese translation?
João Ferreira
Do you need Greek translation?I would be very glad to translate!!!
If you are interested , please give me an answer to start the translation!!
Yes please do it! We have only completed German and Ukranian Translations.
hi i have problem with RTL Writing (Right To Left).
i translating ur Messeage catalog file to persian (RTL) and some word that write directly in english like ZIF or ISP is my problem when i type them with persian word (both Persian And ENglish word in ONE msgstr ,english word been unaligned in msgstr
is it have any solution? it’s too important cause make translation unreadable and useless plz answer this too soon . tnx
for example i write this line
this is sample of my problem
msgid “Load HEX File”
msgstr “??? ????? ???? HEX”
it must be like this
msgid “Load HEX File”
msgstr “???????? ???? Hex”
it’s been ok with changing to RTL mode
but it can be bug in ur APP
example :
msgid “Load HEX File”
msgstr “??? ????? ???? HEX”
If you guys are translating “eXtreme Burner – AVR” – it is better to download latest beta version and use it as a reference (instead of current stable version).
I can translate it into Dutch
I would be thankful!