New 28 PIN AVR Development Board

We have launched a low cost 28 PIN AVR Development board for those you want to get started with AVRs on a budget. As this board provides a clean circuit for basic AVR connection you can learn to program hello world app (a LED blinky) in just few hours! If you are tired of wiring the basic AVR connection for every project, this board can save you a lot of time.

You can order it from the online store and pay using Indian Debit Cards (or ATM Cards) or Netbanking. The board will be delivered to your door steps in 3-5 days any where in India.

28 pin avr development board

28 PIN AVR Development Board.


28 pin avr board

28 PIN AVR Development Board.

Buy 28 PIN AVR Development Board at Rs. 249 Only


  1. Compatible with 28 pin chips like ATmega8,ATmega48,ATmega168, ATmega328 etc.
  2. Atmel AVR ATmega8 28 PIN microcontroller Included.
  3. 16 MHz crystal for maximum speed.
  4. All ports available on standard 0.1inch (2.54mm) male headers.
  5. LC Filter on AVcc for clean ADC performance.
  6. Decoupling capacitors on all power pins.
  7. Standard ISP Header (Can be programmed with our USB AVR Programmer v2.0).
  8. On/Off switch.
  9. 9-18V DC input.
  10. 5v regulated output for supplying extra peripherals.(3x).
  11. Reset Button.
  12. Power Indicator LED.
  13. Free Prototyping area for customization(78 holes at 0.1 inch distance)
  14. FR4 PCB with solder mask and silkscreen.
  15. All PCB Pads tinned.

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Avinash Gupta is solely focused on free and high quality tutorial to make learning embedded system fun !

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17 thoughts on “New 28 PIN AVR Development Board

  • By DISHANT - Reply


    May i know the price of atmega16/32 loader kit…???

  • By Tuhin - Reply

    I want to buy this board but I already have many 28 pin avr mcu. So I want to know the price of this development board without mcu( If possible ).
    please inform me …………….

    • By Avinash - Reply


      I am NOT a kind of guy who complicate things to save few bucks ! Our life is already too complicated! So cannot help you. Bye.

      • By Tuhin -

        Sir you are getting me in a wrong way.I have bought many things from Extreme Electronics Store.Many times I noticed that there are some Additional Components presents.As per those components the cost varies.So I wanted to know, is mcu compulsory with this dev board or not. I THINK I HAVE MY ANSWER.

  • By anant - Reply

    i think extreame electronic is only place which provide very cheap components, devlopement boards etc.
    and tutorials are very helpfull.

    this 28 pin avr dev. board helps me a lot .i converted atmega8 to arduino using bootloader. now learning arduino with atmega MCUs also.
    thank you Mr.Avinash gupta

  • By Bharath - Reply


    Is the IC(controller) on the development board bootloaded??
    If yes, then what if the IC gets burnt? then how do we flash the entire bootloader hex file onto it again??

    Please kindly reply!!

  • By Bhushan - Reply

    Hi Sir,

    I start to learn AVR uc, so please help me which board is good for me.
    also tell me the other component required except board.
    waiting for your replay….

  • By Bhushan - Reply

    Sir, I’m Waiting for your response….i buy totol kit of AVR(board, programmer and you suggest some think for me)

  • By Dheeraj singhal - Reply

    Hello avinash,
    when i am trying to upload the hex file in the atmega8 controller using extremeburner. it shows some errors like 1) Power on failed 2)Can not communicate with target chip
    i have made the minimum required ckt on breadboard and also used the capacitor and resistance of reset circuitry according to your schematic i.e 0.1uf and 10k.
    please help me:-)

  • By A M Morawala - Reply

    Hi Avinash. I wish to purchase the 28 pnu AVR development board. But I have ATMega8 Micro’s. I want the dev board with ATMega328 micro. How much will this cost? Also, I do not want boot loader, I have my own software.

  • By Rajeev - Reply

    your 28 pin development board is not working with already available usbasp programmer.
    what need to be change in the circuit to make it working?
    hope i will get the solution

  • By Atharv - Reply

    your 28 pin development board is not working with already available usbasp programmer.
    what need to be change in the circuit to make it working?
    hope i will get the solution

    • By Rajeev - Reply

      Solution is simple…ISP header to be reverse, it can be done by cutting a notch just opposite to already existing..

  • By Ishwor - Reply

    Is there any way i can get this delivered to Nepal.
    I built my own development board but it is not working.I am heading toward the deadline of our project submission.

  • By Ayub - Reply

    Dear sir, I want to shopping 28 pin avr development board from Dhaka Bangladesh. do…please Advice me…

    • By Avinash - Reply

      sorry not possible.

  • By Karanbir Singh - Reply

    Can you provide this as a complete kit to be soldered by the purchaser?

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